Current Projects

>> Lynch, Kafka, die IBB und ich (Lynch, Kafka, the IBB and I – A Personal Comic Essay Account). A humorous yet critical take on bureaucratic challenges, inspired not only by Lynch and Kafka, but also by my personal experience with the IBB (Investitionsbank Berlin, Berlin’s investment bank) (2025, 10 p., in German). The comic was even shared by the Berlin Police and Citizen’s Representative’s official page – one of my best landing pages so far, according to independent voices.

>> Klimawandel und Strafrecht: Wer wird eigentlich bestraft? —- Ein Comic-Essay, with Maren Burkhardt (2025, 2 p., in German)

Other works

Book-length comic essays

>> Schokoroboter und Deepfakes -‒ Ein Comic-Essay über Künstliche Intelligenz aus der Perspektive von Jugendlichen (Chocolate Robots and Deepfakes ‒ A Comic Essay on Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Teenagers) with Nele Konopka and Kristina Laube in cooperation with the Tübingen AI Center and the Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz (2022, 80 p., in German, also available for purchase as a print edition)

>> The Non-Fungible Comic -‒ A Comic Essay about Non-Fungible Tokens, with Noëlle Kröger (2022, 56 p., in English and German, also available for purchase as a print edition)

>> Money Matters -‒ A Comic Essay about Money, with Pauline Cremer and Miriam Beblo (2021, 164 p., in German, also available for purchase as a print edition)

>> The Corona Scribbles, a Comic Column about Life in times of Corona, on 1E9 magazine (April 2020-May 2023, 31 episodes, in German)

Shorter comic essays

>>Coworker or Overlord? -‒ A Comic Essay about ChatGPT+, with dall-e-2 and ChatGPT (2023, 2 p., in English)

>> The Big Third and the Blockchain -‒ A Comic Essay, with Fall e-2, inspired by Katrin Becker (2022, 12 p., in English), release 2023 on 1E9

>> Overcoming the Flaschenhals -‒ Ein Comic-Essay zu neuen Computing-Konzepten (Overcoming the Bottleneck ‒ A Comic Essay on New Computing Concepts) with Noëlle Kröger in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (2023, 3 p., in German)

>> AI in a Biased World, comic essay and artistic research project for the South African University of Stellenbosch’s Journal HERRI, Special Theme AI in Africa, illustrated by an AI to use the BIAS inherent in the algorithm, curated by Vulane Mthembu (2023, 1 p., in English)

>> Urheberrechte, oder: On the Shoulders of Giants – A Comic Essay about Copyright, with Karina Filusch, Eric Eitel and Nele Konopka (2022, 3 p., in German)

>> #teilenstattsplitten ‒- ein Comic über das Ehegattensplitting (a Comic Essay about German Tax Splitting for Spouses), with Pauline Cremer, Miriam Beblo, Jutta Allmendinger, Janina Kugel and Monika Schnitzer, in cooperation with the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (2021, 3 p., in German)

>> Abtreibung -‒ ein Comic Essay, with Maren Burkhardt (2020, 2 p., in German)

On this subpage, you’ll find three of my most important comic essays in German.

Other projects

>> ChatGPT Bullshit Bingo on LinkedIn (2024, 1p., in English)

>> AI 🐂💩 Bingo ‒- A playful intervention for panels, keynotes and workshops on Artificial Intelligence, with Katrin Fritsch and Theresa Reimann-Dubbers (2022, 4 variations of cards, in English)

Exhibitions: My comics have been part of some beautiful exhibitions, including: Futurium Berlin; Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen; Deutsches Museum Bonn; ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe; Long Night of Science in Dresden and Berlin; I AM A.I. Exhibition. And I curated the exhibition „Whats up, AI.“

Sample press coverage

Klimawandel und Strafrecht: Wer wird eigentlich bestraft?

Release, Berlin, 2025 Mit Maren Burkhardt

KI nachhaltig entwickeln? Seegurke sucht Seegraswiese – ein Comic über KI und Umweltschutz

Kann Künstliche Intelligenz nachhaltig entwickelt werden? ‘Seegurke sucht Seegraswiese’ ist ein Comic, der zeigt, wie Technologie und Umweltschutz zusammen gedacht werden können – humorvoll und mit einer charmanten Seegurke.

Altern, oder: One Day, Baby, We Will Be Old: Comic über das Älterwerden—anlässlich 50 Jahre DZA

Ein Comic, der Fragen rund um das Älterwerden stellt: Sind wir auf Hilfe angewiesen? Wie lange werden wir arbeiten? Haben wir im Alter mehr Zeit für unsere Leidenschaften? “One Day, Baby, We Will Be Old” lädt dazu ein, über Herausforderungen und Chancen des Alterns nachzudenken und unsere Rolle in der Gesellschaft neu zu definieren. Der … Read more

Absurdität für Deutschland.

A Comic Essay and Film, 2024

Introducing “A Pigeon’s Tale”

Join the pigeon on an illustrated journey into a world where artificial intelligence meets sustainability. Explore the dimensions and implications of artificial intelligence applications for environmental sustainability. Learn about the many key capabilities of AI, as well as the limitations and ethical considerations of this powerful technology. Be creatively inspired as an insider or newcomer … Read more

Exhibition at ZKM Karlsruhe: the is around the corner

Yannick Hofmann (Kurator/in) Cecilia Preiß (Kurator/in) Ausstellungsteam Paul Bethge (, Anne Däuper (Technische Projektleitung), Gregor Gaissmaier, Daniel Heiss, Werner Hutzenlaub, Martin Mangold (Leitung Museums- und Ausstellungstechnik), Marc Schütze, Dan Wilcox ( Graphikdesign Demian Bern Beteiligte Künstler:innen Giselle Beiguelman, Paul Bethge, Pierre Cutellic alias Compmonks, Adam Donovan, Bernardo Fontes, Katrin Hochschuh, Yannick Hofmann, Nele Konopka, Andreas … Read more

AI and the Future of Education – Panel Discussion

Integrating artificial intelligence into educational processes and making it usable for study and teaching is highly relevant with regard to future-oriented teaching and learning. On the podium, experts from different professional perspectives shed light on the possibilities and requirements AI offers for universities and the future of education.

✨ ✨ ✨ “NFT’s are down, AI looms: How can creatives keep their cash flowing?”

Join Margaret Warzecha of @studiosmlberlin, @entity_network, @kerler_w and me, as we discuss how artists, designers, writers and illustrators might adapt and maybe even thrive in the evolving technological landscape amidst #GenAI like #ChatGPT, #Midjourney & Co. and #Web3. 💬 How can we navigate these changes and keep creativity alive? Will and can we all become … Read more

Interview on AI and its impact on society

„Traum und Alptraum“ Für die Volkswirtschaftlerin und Comic-Essayistin Julia Schneider ist ChatGPT ein alltäglicher Gesprächspartner. Dennoch warnt die Wissenschaftlerin davor, das Thema zu naiv anzugehen und plädiert für mehr Transparenz – und eine breite Diskussion über Künstliche Intelligenz.

KI und seine Bedeutung für die Kreativwirtschaft
Content & Crémant in Mannheim zum alle Medien beherrschende Thema "KI und seine Bedeutung für die Kreativwirtschaft". Mit Matthias Strobel von MusicTech Germany und Markus Neckar von Palmer Hargreaves DE. Durch den Abend führte die wundervolle Isabel Sonnabend. Ihr könnt euch den Talk sowohl als Podcast als auch als Videobeitrag noch einmal ansehen oder -hören!

New Release: Coworker or Overlord? A Comic Essay about ChatGPT+

We have all been wondering lately about the impact of large language models like ChatGPTs on us, on society. Join me in my latest comic essay as I reflect on the implications of this technology and its place in our rapidly evolving world. Read the full comic essay now and let’s think together about what … Read more

Overcoming the Flaschenhals

We proudly present: A new comic essay about new computing concepts in German With illustrator Noëlle Kröger and in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation SPRIN-D. The enormous challenges that the #digitisation of our lives and the advances in #artificialintelligence pose to hardware are still far too little known. That's why illustrator … Read more

Release: Schokoroboter und Deepfakes – Ein Comic Essay über Künstliche Intelligenz aus der Perspektive von Jugendlichen

👾 Im #Comic-Essay "We Need to Talk, AI" (mit Lena Ziyal, habe ich ausführlich die Perspektive von Erwachsenen auf #KünstlicheIntelligenz diskutiert: Wie #KI unseren Alltag verändert, wie sie in Zukunft unser Leben elementar beeinflussen könnte oder sollte – und dass es Sinn macht, sich in die Debatte einzumischen. 🧒 Doch was denken junge Menschen über #KI – also die Generation, deren Alltag von … Read more

Review and Release: Copyright, or On the Shoulders of Giants

A Comic Essay (3 p., in German) with Eric Eitel, Karina Filusch and Nele KonopkaCC-licensedBerlin, October 2022

“The Big Third and the Blockchain” – A Comic Essay

Sneak Release September 2022 Inspired by Katrin Becker

The Non-Fungible Comic as Oversized Exhibition

At re:publica and .txt, June 2022, Berlin

Release: Non-Fungible Comic – A Comic Essay on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Available on, in English, 64 pages With Noëlle Kröger Berlin/Hamburg, June 2022

Interview with CCB Magazine

June 2022 On the release and content of our Non-Fungible Comic on NFTs. NFT – what is that actually? And what does it have in store for artists?

Interview with on self-publishing and Creative Commons

July 2022

Talk at txt_conference

After re:publica is before txt_conference: A talk about our experiences with #OpenAccess, #CCLicenses and #selfpublishing of #comic essays. #weneedtotalkai #moneymatters #nonfungiblecomic

Release and Exhibition of Non-Fungible Comic

With Noelle Kröger at re:publica 22, June 2022, Berlin "Trial and Error Space": Moderation: Eric Eitel

Exhibition of the Non-Fungible Comic

At the 1E9 #FestivalderZukunft, München, Juli 2022: The new comic essay by Noelle Kröger and me – classifiying #Web3 with a critical but also playful eye! And here's the comic:

AI 🐂💩Bingo

Our favorite AI #sciencecomm phrases, as a playful intervention for conferences – for all under open license. #aibullshitbingo

Artist Talk on our Non-Fungible Comic

Our artist talk on the first "Non-Fungible #Comic" about #NFT at the Berlin artist bar and artistic research institution DAS KAPiTAL to watch. For those who prefer reading:

We Need to Talk, AI!

Guest article for Forbes (May 2022, in German)

Künstliche Intelligenz: Revolutionär oder nur gehyped?

Panel @Deutsches Museum

Collaboration: Campaign against joint tax deductions for married couples (“Ehegattensplitting”)

with Jutta Allmendinger, Janina Kugel und Monika Schnitzer

Yay! Money Matters became Book of the Month!

Release: Money Matters – A Comic Essay about Money

Cover Money Matters
Available on, 164 pages, in German Together with Pauline Cremer and Miriam Beblo Berlin, 15.09.2021

Radio Interview

radioeins Interview
radioeins with Nancy Fischer, 13.09.2021, Berlin

TV Portrait


TV Portrait


in the German daily newspaper Tagesspiegel March 2021

Internet Health Report 2020

Exhibition Human Sovereignty

Bratislava, Robota Center, 2020


Video screen of youtube interview with
Streaming event in Oct. 20 about We Need to Talk, AI available on Youtube In July 2020 Aksioma, together with the Youth and Cultural Center in Maribor, published the Slovenian translation in the framework of konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art with the idea of distributing it as a free educational material in schools and libraries throughout … Read more

Tenemos que Hablar, IA

Since today, the Spanish version of can be read, downloaded and shared for free on the website.

Disruption: Essay in the Annual Report 2019 of the Stiftung Niedersachsen

Community Spotlight

Monthly Briefing of Hochschulforum Digitalisierung

The Corona Scribbles

Ongoing comic essay on the digital platform and think tank 1E9

“KI, wir müssen reden” at SpyOnMe#2

by Theater HAU Berlin, 2020

Meet-Up at KI-Campus, Stifterverband

Berlin February 19, 2020

Review at fluter

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung Berlin, 2020

Exhibition at Netzpolitik-Konferenz “That’s Netzpolitik”

Berlin, 2019

Exhibition and Release at Creative City Berlin print magazine “The Big Good Future #2”

Berlin, 2019

Exhibition and Discussion at the “AI-Camp 2019”

Research Convention for Young Scientists under 30, by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Society for Computer Science (GI) Berlin, 2019

Meet-Up at Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Stifterverband

Berlin, 2019

Release of “KI, wir müssen reden”

Berlin, 2019

Interview on “KI, wir müssen reden”

with RAILS – Robotics and AI Law Society

Exhibition and Talk at Futurium

together with AI Oracle Berlin, 2019

Exhibition in Hamburg-Altona’s bookstore “ZweiEinsDrei”

Hamburg, 2019

Live Radio Show at Goethe Institute’s Kultursymposium

Weimar, 2019

Kultur Magazine 29 by Goethe-Institut Australia

Sydney, 2019

Exhibition at Turing-Bus for AI

Germany, 2019

TV-Interview at Museum of Communication

with rbb Abendschau Berlin, 2019

Interview with MDR

Berlin, 2019

Review at

Berlin, 2019

Presentation of “We Need to Talk, AI”

Berlin, 2019

ComicInvasion Podcast

with ComicInvasion Berlin, 2019

Review at Süddeutsche Zeitung

Release, Talk and Exibition of “We Need to Talk, AI” at re:publica19

Berlin, 2019

Talk: We Need to Talk AI: Ein Einblick in die Entstehung des Comic Essays

at re:publica Berlin, 2019

Radio-Day “Artificial Intelligence”

at radioeins Berlin, 2019

Review at 1E9

München, 2019

Panel Event at Museum of Work, Hamburg: The Genuinely Human – Artificial Intelligence and Creativity

Colloquium on “Artistic Intelligence”

at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society Berlin, 2019

Meet-Up at Hochschulforum Digitalisierung, Stifterverband

Berlin 2019