New Release: Coworker or Overlord? A Comic Essay about ChatGPT+

We have all been wondering lately about the impact of large language models like ChatGPTs on us, on society. Join me in my latest comic essay as I reflect on the implications of this technology and its place in our rapidly evolving world. Read the full comic essay now and let’s think together about what ChatGPT might mean for us as a society.

Overcoming the Flaschenhals

We proudly present: A new comic essay about new computing concepts in German With illustrator Noëlle Kröger and in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation SPRIN-D. The enormous challenges that the #digitisation of our lives and the advances in #artificialintelligence pose to hardware are still far too little known. That’s why illustrator … Continued

Release: Schokoroboter und Deepfakes – Ein Comic Essay über Künstliche Intelligenz aus der Perspektive von Jugendlichen

👾 Im #Comic-Essay “We Need to Talk, AI” (mit Lena Ziyal, habe ich ausführlich die Perspektive von Erwachsenen auf #KünstlicheIntelligenz diskutiert: Wie #KI unseren Alltag verändert, wie sie in Zukunft unser Leben elementar beeinflussen könnte oder sollte – und dass es Sinn macht, sich in die Debatte einzumischen. 🧒 Doch was denken junge Menschen über #KI – also die Generation, deren Alltag von … Continued

Interview with CCB Magazine

June 2022 On the release and content of our Non-Fungible Comic on NFTs. NFT – what is that actually? And what does it have in store for artists?

Talk at txt_conference

After re:publica is before txt_conference: A talk about our experiences with #OpenAccess, #CCLicenses and #selfpublishing of #comic essays. #weneedtotalkai #moneymatters #nonfungiblecomic